Attendance and absences
Wirksworth Junior School is working in partnership with parents/carers to help improve young people’s attendance where difficulties may have arisen. A normal healthy pupil is expected to achieve an average attendance above 94%. When attendance falls below this, progress at school can be seriously affected so we work closely with those pupils who fall below 94% attendance.
As a result the following systems have been put into place and agreed with the Education Welfare Service:
♦ If a pupil’s attendance falls below 94% a letter will be sent home (unless we are aware of any extenuating circumstances) advising parents of this and the effect that it can have on their child’s progress in school.
♦ If attendance does not improve by the next monitoring date, we will talk to you and involve outside agencies to support you and your child. This could be the Education Welfare Officer or the School Nurse.
♦ So that we can record attendance as accurately as possible, we ask that – on the first day of absence - parents ring school or send in a note to explain the reasons for this.
At the other end of the scale, we award good attendance certificates to pupils, with attendance of 96.5% to 100%.