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The Christmas Wreath Assembly 2024


During our assemblies this term we have listening to story from the bible known as parables.  These are simple stories used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.


Week 1:New Testament story: Parable the sower and the seeds

Week 2:New Testament story:  The Good Samaritan (Luke 10.25-37)

Week 3: New Testament story: David and Goliath (Samuel 17.1-58)Coming soon.
Week 4: New Testament story: The Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5.1-22)
Week 5: New Testament story: Jesus feeds the five thousands (Mark 6.31-44)
Week 6: New Testament story: The sermon of the Mount (Matthew 5.1-7.29)


Forgiveness Assemblies

In school, we often find it hard to forgive others, or even ourselves.  Mrs Meehan will be leading five forgiveness assemblies in the Spring Term 2024 to help us understand the importance of having this skill, and forgiving others.

Week 1:

18th January 2024

Week 2:

13th February 2024


Week 3:

21st March 2024




Ascension Day and Pentecost

The whole school visited St. Mary's Church in Wirksworth to learn about Ascension Day and Pentecost.  To see a video which in acts what this could have looked like click on the picture below. 


The Christmas Story through Art

Over the course of the next few weeks, the children will be learning about the Christian's Christmas Story through the medium of art. 
Please click on the links to find out more.

Christmas Story.


The Annunciation by Fra Angelico. (1940) and

Mary and Joseph on the way to Bethlehem by Hugo Van der Goes. 

Christmas Story.


The Nativity by Barrocci.


Christmas Story.


The Adoration of the Shepherds (1505-1510) and Annunciation to the shepherds by Gadd. 

Christmas Story.


The Adoration of Magi by Rubens. 


Awe and Wonder Science assembly with Miss Booth - Why are we here? Science and Religion: Enemies or Friends?

Assembly on mental health and wellbeing with Miss Moore.  Yoga to wake us up in the morning.
