Computing and Digital Literacy

Curriculum Intent
Our school motto
Creative. Caring. Curious
Wirksworth Junior School believes that ICT/Computing is a vital part of children’s education and has a significant and valuable role in the taught curriculum, as well as equipping children with necessary skills in a fast-paced technological world.
Within this subject, we aim to provide our children with a depth of computing experiences that work in parallel with the whole curriculum alongside explicit ICT/Computing lessons that will develop their skills, promote independence and enhance their ability to work with technology competently and safely. Our ICT/Computing curriculum will develop children’s abilities to work with a wide range of software and hardware, learning essential computing skills which they will confidently be able to transfer to other/updated technologies in the future.
Children will develop their understanding of ICT/Computing with effective teaching through well planned lessons and independent learning experiences. Children will understand basic computing skills such as word processing, coding, creating presentations and creating spreadsheets which they will be able to use through other cross-curricular opportunities. Children will also be exposed to relevant modern technology (hardware and software), allowing them to experience, manipulate and create. This experience will build an understanding of how these systems work and an opportunity to critically assess they benefits and limitations of these technologies through interactions and experiences.
Curriculum Implementation
The skills and knowledge that children will develop throughout each ICT/Computing topic are mapped across each year group using a two-year cycle (mixed-age classes) and throughout the school to ensure progression. The focus of skills in LKS2 will be to ensure children are able to build their understanding and confidence when working with a range of hardware and software. As children progress into UKS2, more advanced skills and more opportunity will be given for them to independently explore a wider range of software/hardware.
Throughout the entirety of KS2 children will be taught explicit ICT/Computing lessons, using the two-year cycle which is in line with the National Curriculum of England (2014). To enhance understanding, promote skill retainment and raise attainment, teachers will provide opportunities for children to use technology in other subject areas.
Children will store their ICT work in their own folder adding to it as they progress through the school – allowing a running record of skill progression and an opportunity for teachers to assess learning and understanding.
To see our computing long term plan follow the link to our Guerrilla Curriculum Long Term Plan.
Curriculum Impact
“I really like doing fun maths games on the laptops as it helps me understand what we have learnt in class”
“I like learning about computers so I am able to help other pupils and staff members with the computers.”
“I like experimenting with different effects on PowerPoint. My favourite is when the image folds up and flies off the screen like a bird!”
“I really like it when we get to use the laptops to do research for our Topic work.”
“I like coding my drawings to life. And showing off my tech skills to the rest of the class whilst helping other”
Computing Skills Progression and Long Term Plan
To find out more about we teach E-safety and keeping ourselves safe online please visit our E-safety page by clicking on the following link.
I-Vengers keeping us safe online- watch the short video about how the children in school plan to keep us all safe online this year.
Websites that can help with the Computing curriculum