The intention of our Spanish curriculum is to develop an interest in and thirst for learning Spanish and the many fascinating cultures surrounding the language. We hope to embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing through a variety of stimulating and confidence building tasks and games. We aim to build the children’s ‘culture capital’, so that they are aware of similarities and differences between cultures, through vibrant images, music, film, history and food. We hope to lay the foundations for future language learning and to open children’s minds to the possibility of travelling, living or working abroad.
Our curriculum has been designed to progressively develop skills in Spanish. The children will acquire a bank of vocabulary organized around topics. They ensure development is progressive as they build on previous knowledge from units already studied.
All children are taught Spanish in a weekly discreet lesson. This is delivered by the class teacher or another qualified teacher during PPA. The links to our Guerrilla Curriculum by following the link. Spanish greetings and other common phrases will be taught through assemblies, displays and general interactions around school.
Teachers assess Spanish throughout lessons using ‘assessment through learning’. This helps teachers plan for future lessons.

Skills Progression Ladder
Websites that can help with the Spanish curriculum