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Wirksworth Junior School

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Planning a holiday?


The DfE made amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration England) Regulations 2006 on 1st September 2013 stating that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances.  These regulations also state that holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively.


  • Any absence request should be made in writing at least 20 working days in advance of the intended leave using a leave of absence request form obtained from the school office. 
  • Late applications for any leave of absence will not be accepted/considered unless there are highly exceptional circumstances. 
  • All applications for a leave of absence will be considered by the Headteacher.  Any request for leave of absence will be taken on its own merits and based on the information provided by the parent/carer. 
  • A leave of absence that has not been agreed by the headteacher will be recorded as unauthorised. Should you still decide to take your child out of school you may be issued with a Penalty Notice which, if unpaid, could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996.


Please refer to our Attendance and Punctuality policy for further information.

If you would like to apply for a leave of absence for your child, please download and complete the holiday form, or call into the School Office for a paper copy, and then return to school.
