Curriculum Intent
Our school motto is:
Creative. Caring. Curious.
We make every moment count.
At Wirksworth Junior School it is our aim to deliver a PHSCE programme which enables pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life as individuals, family members and members of society.
Our PSHCE programme is a whole school approach and not restricted to the classroom. Pupils participate in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully into the life of the school and community. We are aware that children learn much from the overall ethos of the school, from attitudes of staff and from their relationships.
At Wirksworth Junior School we make every moment count and PSHCE is central to that. Our core school values of aspiration, perseverance, fairness, respect, togetherness and trust, help to shape us as citizens to be secondary school ready and to be a positive and active member of the community of Wirksworth.
Curriculum Implementation
PSHCE will be delivered by the class teacher with the support of the PSHCE leader as necessary. It will also be introduced and explored within whole school assemblies where visiting professionals may provide talks/workshops to pupils.
In addition to this, PSHCE is delivered through a range of class and whole school activities. In the classroom teachers use a resource called PSHCE Matters, published by Derbyshire County Council. It organises learning into half termly blocks over a 2 year cycle. These units include:
Year A | Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Term 4 | Term 5 | Term 6 |
Years 1-6 | Being Safe | Difference and Diversity | Bullying Matters | Money Matters | Drug Education | Relationships |
Year B | Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Term 4 | Term 5 | Term 6 |
Years 1-6 | Being Responsible | Being Me | Being Healthy | Exploring Emotions | Changes | Growing Up |
Pupils are also given opportunities to join in and contribute to local and national initiatives e.g. anti-bullying day, Internet safety day, community projects and fund-raising activities. Pupils may take part in school assemblies, be elected onto the School Council, become a Playground Buddy or even an Anti-stigma ambassador and are encouraged to express their opinions. Pupils are offered a wide range of opportunities to enhance their learning and engage with the concepts and content of the subject through learning in other subjects and areas of the curriculum and out-of-school activities.
Relationship and Sex Education
Parents/carers have a legal right to withdraw their children from dedicated sex education lessons delivered outside the science curriculum. They do not have a right to withdraw their children from those aspects of RSE that are taught in national curriculum Science, Relationships Education or Health Education.
If a parent/carer has any concerns about the RSE provision, we will take time to address their concerns and allay any fears they may have. If parents/carers decide to withdraw their child, we shall work with them and their child to explore possible alternative provision. In the event of a request to withdraw we will document this process and ensure a record is kept.