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Wirksworth Junior School

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The school uniform policy has been agreed in consultation with parents and the Anthony Gell Cluster of primary schools.  


A summary of the uniform can be seen here:

  • Boys: Plain grey or black trousers (or shorts in warmer weather) - please note no jeans.  White shirt or light blue/ white polo shirt decorated with or without school logo.  Navy blue sweatshirt decorated with school logo Sensible hardwearing black shoes or sandals.
  • Girls: Blue Gingham style dress, grey pinafore, grey/black trousers or medium length grey skirt. Again please no jeans or leggings. White polo shirt decorated with or without a school logo. Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan decorated with school logo.  Sensible hardwearing black shoes or sandals without noticeable heels.
  • Long hair should be tied back at all times so it is not a distraction during lessons.
  • PE: Navy blue t-shirt with or without the school logo.  Navy shorts and trainers.
  • A change of trainers for outdoor PE and plimsolls for indoor PE.
  • All watches must be removed for physical education and other related activities. Since removal of ear studs can be a problem for some children, we ask that children leave these items at home on the days when PE takes place. If a pupil does come to school with ear studs in on a PE lesson day, and they are unable to remove the studs themselves, they will not be permitted to participate in the PE lesson. Those children with long hair need to provide a suitable way of securing it for the duration of the lesson.


Please ensure that all items of uniform, PE kit and outdoor clothing (e.g. coats, gloves, etc.) are clearly labelled with your child’s name, so that owners can be easily identified if items are misplaced.


Uniform can be ordered through the school office, just ask for an order form.  You can also order uniform direct at  Just enter Wirksworth Junior School in the search box.


