Classes Year 5/6 2024-25
Welcome to Year 5 and 6!
In Year 5 and 6 at Wirksworth Junior School, we have 2 classes:
Auton - Mrs Meehan
Radcliffe - Miss Hickton
We love reading!
This half-term, our class reading for pleasure book is...
The books we will be reading, discussing and analysing in our shared reading lessons in the Spring Term are...
In the Spring Term, our curriculum theme is Curiosity and Exploration. The main subjects we will be focusing on during our project are Geography and Design Technology. Throughout our project, we will explore concepts such as change, sustainability, achievement and community. We will begin by learning about physical geography in places around the world, exploring the similarities and differences between regions with different climate zones, such as the Antarctic, Sahara Desert and The Amazon. We will consider the impact of human geography on our world, discussing issues such as climate change and deforestation. Then, we will be undertaking the Primary Engineers Project, building a sustainable electric vehicle for the future! Please see our Geography and DT pages for more information.
Our Big Philosophical Question this term:
How might we live in the future?
We will be exploring out project concepts using a range of high-quality texts, including Varmints.
This term's writing units
Setting description
Meeting tale
Wishing tale
Formal letter (persuasion)
Informal letter
Throughout the term, we will also be provided with opportunities to apply our writing skills across the curriculum, for example in science and geography.
In Rainbow Grammar this term, we will be learning the following: how to use adverbial and non-finite clauses for effect; the rules of speech, and using dialogue to move action on and convey character; accurate use of colons and hyphens.
In maths this term, Year 5s will be focusing on the following concepts:
Short multiplication and division
Calculating with decimal fractions
Year 6s will be focusing on the following concepts:
Drawing and composing 2D and 3D shapes
Calculating the area of parallelograms and triangles
Consolidation and problem solving with long multiplication and long division
Position and direction
Fractions and percentages
What we will be learning in our other subjects this half-term:
PE - Tag Rugby and Forest School
Science - Electricity
Computing - Physical Programming with Crumble controllers
PSHE - Bullying Matters & Anxiety Gremlins
RE - What matters most to Christians and Humanists?
Spanish - A comer! (to eat)
Practice Arithmetic Questions
Past Maths SATs Papers
Things to remember...
Reading diaries will be checked on a Monday. Read 5 times each week to receive your Dojo points and reading chart stamp.
Maths homework will be sent out each Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday.
Spelling and handwriting homework will be sent out each Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday.
PE days this term:
Mondays (both classes) and Fridays (Forest School)